Venues I’ve had the pleasure of working at:
Beauport Hotel, Gloucester - Sharksmouth Estate, Manchester-by-the-sea - Misselwood at Endicott, Beverly - Crane Estate, Ipswich - Hammond Castle, Gloucester - Fruitlands Museum, Harvard - Granite Links Golf Club, Quincy - Gay Head Lighthouse, Aquinnah Martha’s Vineyard - Emerson Inn, Rockport - Rockport Art Association, Rockport - Eastern Point Yacht Club, Gloucester - Shalin Liu, Rockport - Rockport Golf Club, Rockport - Annisquam - Singing Beach Club, Manchester-by-the-sea - Willowdale Estate, Topsfield - Glen Magna, Danvers - Cruiseport, Gloucester - Floriana at the Hellenic Center, Ipswich - The Newbury, Boston - Myopia Hunt Club, Hamilton - Long Hill (Trustees), Beverly - Connemara House, Topsfield - Tupper Manor, Beverly - York Golf and Tennis Club, York Maine - The Mansion at Turner Hill, Ipswich - Locke Falls Farm, Tamworth NH - Riverwinds Farm and Estate, Saco ME - Privates homes, Beach weddings, Backyard Weddings